Which AP Calculus Exam Should I Take: AB or BC? (2024)

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In summary, the conversation discusses the recommendation for taking the AB or BC exam for AP Calculus. It is mentioned that taking the BC exam can still earn AB credit and is highly recommended for those who plan to pursue mathematics in the future. It is also suggested to take practice tests and assess one's understanding of the AB material before deciding to take the BC exam.

  • #1


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I've recently started thinking about which exam I want to take for AP Calculus, and I'm wondering from those of you who have taken it or know details - is the AB or BC exam recommended? I've taken all of the AB and BC material, but I'm not sure if I can handle that quantity of material or want to risk taking it and scoring lower than I would in the AB; however, it's worth a lot more points. What exactly do I need to know (with more specifics that the College Board gives at http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/sub_calbc.html?calcbc")?

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  • #2



Well, you should know that you can still get AB credit if you take the BC test. If you're going to be focusing on mathematics or some variant (mathematical sciences) in the future, I highly recommend you take BC. In fact, I recommend BC always. If you don't think you can handle the BC courseload, try taking a few AB practice tests right now. You should know all of the AB material right now, and you should be within the 5s range. Then you'll have plenty of time to go over the BC material. If you don't score very well, that just means you have to try a bit harder and work more during the next few months. It really depends on whether you can handle the load I guess.

Related to Which AP Calculus Exam Should I Take: AB or BC?

1. What is the format of the College Board AP Calculus Exams?

The College Board AP Calculus Exams consist of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. The multiple-choice section contains 45 questions and is 1 hour and 45 minutes long. The free-response section contains 6 questions and is 1 hour and 30 minutes long.

2. How is the multiple-choice section of the exam scored?

The multiple-choice section of the exam is scored based on the number of correct answers. Each question is worth 1 point, and there is no penalty for incorrect answers. The total score for this section is out of 45 points.

3. What types of questions are included in the free-response section?

The free-response section includes a mix of questions, including conceptual questions, graphing and analysis questions, and application problems. Some questions may also require students to show their work or provide explanations for their solutions.

4. How is the free-response section of the exam scored?

The free-response section of the exam is scored by trained AP Calculus readers. Each question is scored on a scale of 0-9, with partial credit given for partially correct answers. The total score for this section is out of 54 points, with 9 points possible for each question.

5. How can I prepare for the College Board AP Calculus Exams?

There are many resources available to help students prepare for the AP Calculus Exams, including practice exams, review books, and online resources. It is also important for students to have a strong understanding of the concepts covered in their AP Calculus course and to regularly practice solving problems and working with calculus equations.

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                      Which AP Calculus Exam Should I Take: AB or BC? (2024)


                      Which AP Calculus Exam Should I Take: AB or BC? ›

                      If you're planning to go to a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) program, then BC could give you a good head start on your required math. However, if you are planning a career that doesn't require heavy math, you might be better off taking AB.

                      Is it better to take AP Calc AB or BC? ›

                      Since BC Calculus has to cover more material in one year, at many schools it has more frequent and harder assignments. AB Calculus is definitely challenging, but it doesn't move as fast, so it's less likely you'll fall behind. Taking AB Calculus might free up your schedule for an additional class.

                      Which calculus is the hardest AB or BC? ›

                      Of those who considered themselves a "math person," AP Calculus AB was not very difficult (average score: 2.04), and AP Calculus BC was slightly difficult (average score: 2.64). Of those who considered themselves somewhat of a "math person," AP Calculus AB was moderately difficult (average score: 3.42).

                      Should you take AP Calc BC or AP Stats? ›

                      If you plan to study engineering, physics, or mathematics in college, taking AP Calculus will be more beneficial as it's a prerequisite for many college-level courses in these fields. If you're leaning towards social sciences, psychology, business, or data-focused fields, AP Statistics might be more applicable.

                      Is the AP Calc AB and BC test the same? ›

                      The main difference between the two courses is that Calculus BC covers the fundamentals of Calculus AB at a faster pace and includes additional topics such as parametric functions, polar functions, vector functions, and analysis of series.

                      Do colleges care if you take AB or BC? ›

                      Colleges won't penalize you for choosing AB over BC, as long as you're still engaging in a challenging and well-rounded course of study.

                      Is Calc BC the hardest AP? ›

                      AP Calculus BC ranks as the 12th toughest subject among the 28 AP subjects surveyed.

                      Is AP Stats or pre calc harder? ›

                      As a junior myself taking pre-calc I would say pre- calc. Although it is harder, it is better to learn it in high school than in college. If your school offers college in the high school for it than use pre-calc that you did in your senior year.

                      Should I take AP Stats if I'm bad at math? ›

                      It's important to consider your own strengths, interests, and academic goals when deciding on which courses to take. If you're not particularly strong in math but still want to challenge yourself, AP Stats might be a good option for you.

                      How advanced is AP Calc BC? ›

                      No, AP Calc BC is not typically considered an easy class. It's designed for students who have a strong foundation in mathematics and are ready to tackle more advanced concepts. The course moves at a fast pace and covers topics in greater depth than many other high school math classes.

                      Is AP Calc BC just Calc 2? ›

                      AP Calculus BC is equivalent to a full year regular college course, covering both Calculus I and II. After passing the exam, students may move on to Calculus III (Multivariable Calculus).

                      Do colleges care about AP Calc? ›

                      Elite colleges often filter applications by a single high school course: calculus. Standardized tests like the SAT and ACT have lost importance, making calculus even more important for some admission officers. Acing calculus gives your college app a competitive edge, but colleges' reliance on calc is problematic.

                      Is AP Calculus AB worth it? ›

                      If you completed your prerequisite math classes with ease or enjoyment, AP Calculus AB could be a good course for you. You should also weigh your long-term goals after graduation. Depending on your prospective field of study, you may find earning a college calculus credit in high school beneficial.

                      Can you take AP Calc AB without taking pre Calc? ›

                      If you take AP Calc AB without Pre-calc as a foundational course, you might get clobbered and struggle and get a B or C and do poorly on the AP exam. Colleges would rather like to see the progress in STEM courses sequentially and get high marks on both the class work and the test scores.

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