hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question can evil ideas be
defeated uh now before I start let me
say I want to focus on one particular
idea that was prompted by an article I
read in the Atlantic this week but more
generally I want to use that idea as a
broader theme because I think throughout
the rest of our lives there are going to
be evil ideas that pop up in culture and
at different times it's going to feel
like those ideas are winning but I want
to show you that if this one is being
defeated then others of similar ilk can
be defeated as well uh you would have
had to be hiding under a rock over the
last year and a half to know that one of
the most evil ideas manifesting in our
culture is that gender is not a real
thing that a person has to decide for
themselves whether they're male or
female independent of their created
state or of their anatomical reality uh
We've covered this issue at nauseum here
on wakeup lookup and showed how
ridiculous it is that this seems to be
confusing for people and how damaging it
is it has been to so many people to to
buy into this delusion but that's why
it's interesting that in the Atlantic
this week they were showing how exit
polling information coming out of P this
past week's presidential election shows
that Americans by and large are
beginning to reject this idea at least
in one specific expression and that is
the inclusion of biological males in
female sports you know this has been one
of the Battlegrounds of this topic as
what is called trans women a man who was
born biologically male but has decided
he is female is beginning to compete in
sports against women which is not just
unfair but actually oftentimes
physically damaging to women who are
just not big and strong enough to
compete physically against people that
were born biologically male and what the
exit polling is showing is that
Americans by and large said this is a
key issue for them and overwhelmingly
said we do not want Men playing in
sports against women and I say that this
is significant because a year ago maybe
even six months ago it felt like we were
trending in a completely different
direction as a country the current
president presidential ad Administration
was pushing back against Colleges and
Schools that sought to regulate the
participation of biological males in
female sports don't forget that our most
recent Supreme Court Justice uh during
her nomination process was asked what
does it mean to be a woman and she said
she couldn't answer the question CU
she's not a biologist that's where we
were not that long ago but now people
are saying enough this is crazy I don't
want my daughters competing against boys
I don't want my daughters competing
against men and what do that teach us
well it teaches us that bad ideas wrong
ideas evil ideas do pop up and sometimes
rise to popularity but they can and
often will be defeated the Bible is full
of instances about this as well times
where leaders are advancing one evil
plot or scheme or idea or another and
God's people consistently through
argumentation and through the
faithfulness of God are able to defeat
those ideas this is why a feeling of
inevitability is never something God's
people should embrace we should push
back against bad ideas we should speak
truth in the face of Lies We should
lovingly winsomely but
unapologetically say this is right and
this is wrong this is true and this is
false because people's minds can change
culture Society is often shaped by the
people who showed up to have the debate
in only a year the country is Shifting
on this issue what other issues are
there where through a similar pattern of
argument and conversation and pushing
back we can move our culture towards
human flourishing and away from neighbor
harm listen we have to acknowledge that
from time to time we're tempted to give
up we're tempted to think that our
culture is broken and the Brokenness
cannot be stemmed we're tempted to just
say hey we're just waiting for Jesus to
come back but the promise of Jesus isn't
just one day that everything will be
fixed the promise is behold I am making
all things new I've started and I won't
stop until it's done and with that
promise as our backdrop what we're
seeing is that if we show up and join in
good actually can overcome evil truth
can overcome fiction reality can win out
in the end can evil ideas is be defeated
yes if we show up and start to try hey
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